Special issue on: Simulated Annealing Applied to Combinational Optimization Guest Editors:Rene Victor Valqui Vidal and Zbigniew Nahorski

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1996-1-editorial.pdf Download R. Kulikowski & Z. Nahorski, editorial
1996-1-preface.pdf Download Z. Nahorski & R. V. V. Vidal, preface
Pirlot-Vidal.pdf Download M Pirlot & R. V. V. Vidal
Ingber.pdf Download L. Ingber
Dzemyda.pdf Download G. Dzemyda
Borges-Ferreira.pdf Download P. C. Borges & J. S. Ferreira
Ravn-Rygaard-Wibbels.pdf Download H. F. Ravn et al.
Antony-Koulamas.pdf Download S. R. Antony & C. Koulamas
Hart.pdf Download S. M. Hart
Ianni et al.pdf Download M. Di Ianni et al.
Czyzak-Jaszkiewicz.pdf Download P. Czyżak & A. Jaszkiewicz