The Twentieth Anniversary Issue

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Table of contents
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Content items
1991-4-02_questionnaire.pdf Download The Frontier Questionnaire
1991-4-03_answer_kunisch.pdf Download Response by K.Kunisch
1991-4-04_answer_pelczewski.pdf Download Response by W.Pelczewski
1991-4-05_answer_gessing.pdf Download Response by R.Gessing
1991-4-06_answer_malinowski.pdf Download Response by K.Malinowski
1991-4-07_answer_lucertini.pdf Download Response by M.Luccertini
1991-4-08_answer_weglarz.pdf Download Response by J.Weglarz
1991-4-09_answer_nurmi.pdf Download Response by H.Nurmi
1991-4-10_answer_gambrelli.pdf Download Response by G.Gambarelli
1991-4-11_c&c_past20years_owsinski.pdf Download The Past 20 Years by J.W.Owsinski
1991-4-12_1972_1991_table_of_contents.pdf Download C&C 1972-1991 Table of Contents
1991-4-13_author_index.pdf Download Author Inex
1991-4-14_subject_index.pdf Download Subject Index
1991-4-15_paper_by_sernik_marcus.pdf Download Paper by L.Sernik & S.I.Marcus
1991-4-16_paper_by_ostapenko_jakovleva.pdf Download Paper by V.V.Ostapenko & A.P.Jakovleva