Current issues...

During the year 2022, that is - during the publication of our 51st annual volume, we have been shifting to a full Open Access mode of operation. As you have noticed, our papers are now assigned DOI identifiers and are visible from the very start.

We would like to draw your attention to issue 2/2022, which is the 50th Anniversary Issue, containing papers of a variety of characters, from memoirs to fully scientific and highly relevant papers, from our colleagues and friends.

Having closed the year 2022 we are now publishing the issues of the year 2023.


From the Editors

Some current aspects of publishing of Control and Cybernetics

We would like, first of all, to apologise for the delay in publishing of the successive issues of our quarterly, which is largely due to the jump-like increase in the number of submissions that are uploaded in the editorial system since about a year and a half. Actually, this increase was by close to an order of magnitude. We have to adapt to these new conditions, but, in the meantime, we definitely were not able to adequately cope with this abrupt challenge. Still, we plan to go on with the issues, marked year 2023, that is – issues 3 and 4, and only afterwards we shall switch to the proper year 2024.

At the same time, we would like to emphasise the specificity of this Journal that importantly contributes to the seriousness of the challenge. Namely, first, we do not charge any submission nor publication fee, while we take utmost care of the editorial quality of the published articles, especially with regard to English language. There are numerous journals on the market, which both charge publishing fees and publish papers, after acceptance, “as they are”, without any language editing. Then, despite this, the articles published in Control and Cybernetics appear in truly open access, and are freely downloadable. Finally, given all this, we very much care for the scientific quality of the published papers, which very often go through two or even three rounds of corrections and amendments before getting ultimately published – if at all, that is. In other words, we are at the farthest possible extreme position away from the commerciality on the market.

The above statement is yet insofar amplified as we accept – primarily on the basis of substantive quality and importance of the respective content – even quite long, or, in fact, very long papers, if this is, additionally, justified by the wholesome character of the presentation. Two indeed striking examples are provided in the present issue of our Journal.

In the light of the above, no wonder we entirely depend upon the good will, reliability and honesty of the potential and actual reviewers. The consequence is often a very long time of the reviewing process. There are numerous cases, in which we have to address truly many potential reviewers, in some cases even beyond ten. On the other hand, though, we are certain that the final result of such a process has an adequate quality.

A paper deserving attention

We shall now turn the attention of our Readers to a paper, published elsewhere, of which we think that it truly deserves being widely known, and that for several reasons. The paper, by Bun and associates (2024) is an outcome from an on-going international cooperation, devoted to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimation methods, especially given their high uncertainty. In view of the international agreements, concerning GHG emissions, the research gains in importance, on the international and even global scale. This cooperation has already many years of history, but this time the concrete subject of the study we wish to indicate to our Readers was linked with the effects of war in Ukraine. Thus, we are dealing with a very much current subject, and that of dramatic dimensions.

The cooperation mentioned involves a broad team from several countries, including Poland (our Editor-in-Chief being one of co-authors of the study referred to), and Ukraine, but also other countries. To a definite extent the cooperation was carried out with participation of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg near Vienna, but it actually is being continued on a largely independent basis. The importance of the study in question was also noted by other organisations, such as, for instance, the Universities Space Research Association, as can be seen under Study Suggests Significant Greenhouse Gas Emissions Linked to Ukraine Conflict (



Bun, R., Marland, G., Oda, T., See, L., Puliafito, E., Nahorski, Z., Jonas, M., Kovalyshyn, V., Ialongo, I., Yashchun, O., Romanchuk, Z. (2024) Tracking unaccounted greenhouse gas emissions due to the war in Ukraine since 2022. Sci. Total Environ.,, 2024

Webmaster: Jarosław Skrzydło